Good Health Today

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ginseng: The Mystical Healer

Ginseng is the most widely available herbal supplement today.
Many people believe the ginseng plant has mystical healing
powers and health benefits. Ginseng's original name was "man
root" since the ginseng root resembles the shape of a human
body. Ancient Chinese doctrines state that a plant that
resembles a human body part will have a healing effect on that
body part. Therefore it is believed ginseng is able to restore
harmony to the entire body.

Ginseng is a slow growing herb, which consists of a light
colored root, a single stalk and long oval green leaves.
Ginseng contains complex carbohydrates called saponins or
ginsengsines. It possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and
anti-cancer elements. For years, the Chinese have used ginseng
as an energy tonic. Today, the western world is exploring its
benefits in treating stress and levels of mental lucidity.

Russian research has found ginseng stimulates physical and
mental activity in tired and weak individuals. It was also
found to help with balance. Asian research has found that
ginseng helps mental improvement, eliminates anemia, and helps
prevent diabetes, neurosis, coughs, tuberculosis and asthma. It
was also found to strengthen the gastrointestinal system and
help with liver regeneration. It is even able to reduce the
effects of alcohol and decrease hangovers. People taking
regular ginseng were found to be able to handle higher levels
of stress on both an emotional and physical level.

It is advised to stop taking ginseng if you experience side
effects such as a rash or diarrhea, or if you develop a fever.
People using warfarin, a blood thinner, should consult their
physician and be monitored.

If you are interested in trying ginseng, the best supplements
to buy are those which have not been subjected to excessive
processing, thereby rendering them ineffective. Also, make sure
you purchase authentic ginseng products since wide variations in
quality exist today. It was found 15% of ginseng products
contained no ginseng when tested. Your best guarantee of
quality would be to purchase the whole root.

There is tradition, folklore, and research which support the
healing and health benefits of ginseng. It also has experienced
safe use through the years. There has been more modern research
done on ginseng than on any other herb. In fact, today athletic
performance experts as well as the medical community are
studying it. Although it is best known and successful at
boosting the immune system, improving mental function, and
enhancing the ability to deal with stress, there are still
studies being done to determine what other areas ginseng can be

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10 Secrets to Keeping the Weight Off for Good

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Title: 10 Secrets to Keeping the Weight Off for Good
Word Count: 645
Author: Lynn VanDyke

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Best regards

Lynn VanDyke

10 Secrets to Keeping the Weight Off for Good
What's interesting about weight loss is that many people
think that it's just a process that begins when you make
changes to lose weight and ends when you've lost all the

However, if you're not continuing with the changes that
you've made, you might find yourself back at the original
weight that you were. Instead of going up and down on the
scale, here are ten secrets that you can use to keep your
slim figure.

- Weight training works - Studies have shown that people
that have more muscle mass will burn more calories, even at
rest. Because of this fact, you will want to incorporate
some weight training into you maintenance plan so that as
you increase your calorie intake, you're able to burn them
off without any gain.

- Food journaling - When you write down what you eat, you
will be able to control the amount of food that you are
eating. Even if you only write down your food intake for a
few days a week, keeping an eye on how you're eating can
help alert you of problems before they become pounds.

- Daily exercise - When you want to keep the weight off,
exercise will need to become a part of your life. However,
this doesn't mean that you need to workout for hours each
day. Try to fit in thirty to sixty minutes of exercise
each day to keep extra weight at bay.

- Allow yourself treats - Life isn't about deprivation, so
neither should your new figure. When you've lost weight,
you have learned about how much you needed to eat in order
to cut back on calories. Once you've learned this, you can
also learn to have a treat every now and then, enjoying it
instead of overindulging in it.

- Look at making changes rather than dieting - When you're
looking to lose weight, the 'sprint' approach isn't going
to be a long term fix. You need to permanently change your
eating habits in order to ensure that your weight stays at
its new position.

- Learn to make favorite recipes healthier - If you have a
favorite cheesecake recipe; why not learn how to make it
lower in fat and sugar? This way, you can still enjoy the
foods you love.

- Get support - You don't have to join a weight loss club
to do this, but telling your friends and family about your
goals can help to get everyone into supporting your
efforts. When you do this, people will start to recognize
that family gatherings should have healthy options as well
as not always revolve around food.

- Keep the stress away - Many people eat when they are
stressed, but when you've lost weight, you want to avoid
this kind of trigger. Instead, figure out ways that help
you deal with stress. What can you do instead of eating to
help calm down and relax?

- Watch your weight - Studies have shown that those that
regularly monitor their weight tend to keep off weight
better than those that don't. You don't have to get on the
scale every day, but weighing in once a week can help alert
you to when you might need to rethink that second slice of

- Recognize a slip up and forgive yourself - When you start
to get angry about mistakes, you can backslide into old
eating habits. You will have times when eating right will
be more difficult, but you will persevere.

Acknowledge that you made a poor eating choice (or several)
and then forgive yourself and eat better at the next meal.
There's no need to punish your self.

Keeping the weight off can actually be more difficult than
losing it in the first place, but when you're committed to
keeping trim, these tips will make sure that you do.

Lynn VanDyke is a master trainer and fitness nutritionist.
Her fitness site, is
ranked within the top 1% of all websites. She has authored
the wildly popular ebook, Melt the Fat
( It is yielded as one of the
best fitness and nutrition ebooks available.