Good Health Today

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

5 Tips to a Strong, Fit Body!

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Brian Gurneak

5 Tips to a Strong, Fit Body!
Being involved in the fitness business for over a decade, I
want to give you my Top Tips on what YOU need to do to
develop a stronger, firmer body and let's just say most of
you are beginners at this and may NOT have very much muscle

Tip#1 Stick with basic exercises- That's right! Do
exercises that place a higher demand on your body, and
involve more muscle groups than just one. Examples
include: squats, presses, dips, chins, lunges, rows, and
deadlifts. If you don't know how to do them I highly
recommed a good personal trainer or visit my site at and inquire about online fitness
training. If your injured and/or feel pain when you do
these exercises consult an orthopedic, chiropractor, or
physical therapist. These exercises in general will produce
greater results.

Tip #2 Vary your repetition ranges and weights being
used. The human body has different types of muscle fibers
and in order to recruit these different types, you need to
work with higher repetitions with lighter weights (not
light weights) and low reptitions with heavier weight.

Also rest intervals between sets, tempo within each set,
and how hard you push yourself will greatly effect your
outcome. What I mean by that is if you want just sheer
strentgh, generally workout with loads between 3-5
repetitions and rest up to 3-4 minutes between sets. If
it's more strength and size train with loads between 8-15
as heavy as you can and rest 90-120 seconds. Also play
strict attention to how fast you move the weight (a bit
slower here). And lastly for endurance seek extremely high
reps 30, 50, more. This may be good for boxers and
swimmers who need a lot of endurance.

Tip #3 INCREASE your Carbohydrates to 2x's your current
bodyweight. You women out there are probably saying "No
Way, I'll get fat". If you don't have muscle now, and want
to get firmer, you have to build your foundation. You can
always cut back if you feel your gaining fat. Now say your
150lbs., strive to take your carbohydrates up to 300 grams.
That sounds like a lot, but if you are exercising
regularly with cardio and weights it's not as much as you
think. Key is INTENSE exercise not a walk in the park.

Also not carbs from ice cream and pizza, but "clean carbs"
from oats, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and whole-wheat
pasta. By doing this you store energy (glycogen) in the
muscles and liver that gives you killer workouts. This
also gives your body a constant flow of the hormone insulin
which is crucial to gain muscle.

Tip #4 Eat roughly one gram of protein per lb. of
bodyweight. Eating this amount will ensure your getting in
enough. Remember, your not a sedentary person and your
body demands more in your diet to keep the building process
going. I find that most individuals are low in protein.
Quality sources include: lean steak (filet, flank, London
broil), chicken breast, turkey breast, and fish. You can
also supplement with a high quality whey and or casein
protein (ideal before bedtime). Keep in mind that protein
has a high thermic effect on the body, meaning it helps
raise the metabolism because it requires a high amount of
calories just to process it.

Tip #5 Get enough Sleep. I realize this may be a hard one,
but is very critical for you if you want to get more
muscle. You see your body releases it's repairing hormones
at high levels between 10 p.m. and 2a.m. It's the PEAK
time when your body is in a regenerating mode. This is a
big factor in you gaining the quality muscle you want to
obtain. I suggest 7-8 uninterrupted hours each night. If
you can't get that in, try takin a 30 minute nap at
sometime during the day before sleeping at nigh to allow
the body to recover from the day's stress and workout.

We'll there you have it. My Top 5 tips for gaining muscle.
There are others that are important as well, but these five
are a MUST. Remember we all want to gain muscle, NOT just
men. Anyway, I hope these tips help you seek the goals your
striving for.

The author is a well-known fitness trainer and competitive
drug-free bodybuilder in central NJ. To gain a wealth of
knowledge on this topic visit


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