Good Health Today

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Plan To Eat Healthily

Healthy eating is important. So why is it not a priority forthose overweight? Well, some may say they simply don't have thetime to find out more or write down a plan or even decide onwhat to eat. I think this can lead to disaster, and especiallyputting yourself at risk. Obese people really are eatingthemselves to death. Our hearts simply aren't strong enough topump blood to such extremes.

What can we do about it? We can make a start at learning andbenefitting from the basics of eating healthily, and stickingto a balanced diet. This does not mean confining oneself tosome of the worst tasting meals available. For most, the helpin this article can be used, however, if you are already on adiet created by a dietitian or doctor, please consult with thembefore making changes to your diet. Discuss with them what youhave learned from this article and you may be able to encourageyourself with your results. Below is a guide to what is a goodstarting point to deciding what to eat and what to steer clearof in your daily food intake.

Fish and Meat - Some of these in this food group can be high infat so play close attention to what you are consuming. Productsin this group include meat, fish, eggs, poultry along withproducts like hamburgers and fish fingers and fish cakes.Obviously cut all visible fat from the meat. You can also lookat alternatives that may contain less fat but are still high inprotein, such as kidney beans, tofu, nuts and vegetable protein.You should try to eat 2 to 3 meals a day including products fromthis group.

Milk and Dairy Products - As you have read from above, eggs donot fall into this category and neither do butter and cream. Itis recommended that you try to include milk and dairy productsin at least 2 of your daily meals. Products that fall into thiscategory include milk, cheese and yoghurt.

Fruit and Vegetables - Try to keep your meals varied in whatthey contain and remember that a portion size is about 80g -90g. You should try to eat 5 portions of foods from thiscategory daily, and this can include fresh vegetables, frozenvegetables, canned as well as dried vegetables. Fruit juicesalso fall into this category, along with beans such as pulses,lentils and baked beans. I wouldn't recommend eating too manyportions of baked beans, especially if you don't want your dietto affect your social life!

Starches like Bread, Cereals and Potatoes - You should try toinclude up to 5 portions of these products in your daily mealplan and at least one portion with every meal. Products in thiscategory include bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, breakfast cerealsand oats.
Sugary and Fatty Foods - This is one category that you can tosome extent neglect. If you choose to eat products from thisgroup, choose to eat as smaller portions as you can. It ishowever important to include a small amount of fats in yourdiet.

Stay away from saturated fats like animal fats (meat) andsugary products like cakes and sweets.

Products in this categoryalso include ice cream, chocolate, pastries and crisps. Otherproducts high in fat are cream, mayonnaise, fried foods,especially fried in butter, oil and margarine.

About The Author: Janie Jonah (c)2006, PerfectDrugRx. All rights in all media reserved. Reprintsmust include byline, contact information and copyright.


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